Atlas D

Atlas LV-3B with Friendship 7
Image by NASA

Country of Origin: United States
Manufacturer: Convair

Height: 23.11 m (SLV-3D Centaur: 39.75 m)
Diameter: 3.05 m (4.9 m with outboard booster fairing)
Payload to LEO: 1.36 tons (SLV-3D Centaur: 1.81 tons to GTO)
Total Mass: 116.1 tons (SLV-3D Centaur: 149.42 tons)

Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg
First Flight: April 14, 1959
Last Flight: November 7, 1967 (SLV-3D Centaur May 19, 1983)
Total Launches: 135
Successful Launches: 103



Atlas D



Atlas LV-3B



Atlas LV-3 Agena-D



Atlas LV-3C Centaur



Atlas SLV-3C Centaur



Atlas SLV-3D Centaur







Wikipedia – LV-3B

Destination Orbite

Space Launch Report

Encyclopedia Astronautica

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