Minotaur V

Minotaur V with LADEE
Image by NASA/Franklin Fitzgerald

Country of Origin: United States
Manufacturer: Orbital Sciences

Height: 24.56 m
Diameter: 2.67 m
Payload to LEO: (532kg to GTO, 342kg to TLI)
Total Mass: 89.373 tons

Launch Sites: Vandenberg, Wallops, Kodiak
First Flight: September 7, 2013
Last Flight: Active
Total Launches: 1
Successful Launches: 1



Minotaur V

Stage Diameter Fuel Engine Time Thrust (Vac.) ISP (SL / Vac.) Mass / Empty Mass
1 (SR-118) 2.67 m Solid Thiokol TU-903 83 s 2200 kN 248.9 s / ? 50.0 / 4.31 tons
2 (SR-119) Solid 54 s 1365 kN ? / 308.9 s 27.67 / 3.18 tons
3 (SR-120) Solid 62 s 329 kN ? / 299.9 s 7.71 / 0.63 tons
4 (Star-48BV) Solid TE-M-940-1 84.1 s 64 kN ? / 293.9 s 2.15 / 0.14 tons
5 (Star-37FM) HTPB TE-M-783 63 s 47.26 kN ? / 289.8 s 1147.4 kg / 81.5 kg








Destination Orbite

Space Launch Report

Encyclopedia Astronautica

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