Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: LPSC, ISRO

Payload to LEO: 270 – 700 tons
Total Mass: 4.5 to 15 tons

Launch Sites:
First Flight: In development
Last Flight:
Total Launches:
Successful Launches:




Stage Diameter Fuel Engine Time Thrust (Vac.) ISP (SL / Vac.) Mass / Empty Mass
Booster Option 1 1 m HTPB 6 x S-13 70 s (?) 6 x 716 kN Prop mass: 12.2 tons each
Booster Option 2 HTPB 2 x S-60 Prop mass: 60 tons each
Booster Option 3 2.8 m HTPB 2 x S-139 100 s 2 x 4700 kN Prop mass: 138.2 tons each
Booster Option 4 3.2 m HTPB 2 x S-200 130 s 2 x 5150 kN ? / 274.5 s Prop mass: 207 tons each
1 (SC-160) RP-1 / LOX SCE-200 259 s 2030 kN 299 s / 335 s Prop mass: 160 tons
2 (C-30) LH2 / LOX CE-20 650 s 200 kN ? / 443 s Prop mass: 30 tons






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