
Type: Lower Stage Engine
Country of Origin: United States
Manufacturer: Rocketdyne

First Flight: 1974
Status: Active (as RS-27A)
Propellant (O/F): Liquid Oxygen/Kerosene
Mixture Ratio (O/F by mass):
Cycle: Gas generator
Chambers: 1

Thrust (vac.): 1023 kN; 1054.2 kN (RS-27A)
Thrust (s.l.): 971 kN ?; 890.1 kN (RS-27A)
Throttle: none
ISP (vac.): 295 s; 302 s (RS-27A)
ISP (s.l.): 264 s; 255 s (RS-27A)
Chamber Pressure: 710 psi; 700 psi (RS-27A)
Nozzle Ratio:
Burn time: 265 sec
Ignitions: 1

Mass: 1147 kg
Length: 3.78 m
Diameter: 1.7 m

Used in: Delta II




Wikipedia – RS-27

Wikipedia – RS-27A

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